Emergency Procedures » Emergency Procedures

Emergency Procedures

School Safety Overview

The safety and well-being of your children is of the utmost importance to us. Our primary role is to provide your children a safe environment where they can grow academically, socially and emotionally.

As a District, we continually work to enhance and improve school safety. We have developed a District-wide Safe Schools Committee that includes representatives from the District Crisis Response Team, local law enforcement agencies, local EMT, the state police, representatives from local hospitals, parent representatives, Westmoreland County Public Safety and the local media. Within our committee, several subcommittees were formed. The subcommittees meet on a regular basis and report to the larger committee.

Moreover, we have developed a Crisis Response Team that meets periodically to discuss and refine our state-approved Emergency Management plan. In addition, our Crisis Response Team assists us in providing professional development in the areas of school safety to our staff.