Curriculum » Curriculum Council

Curriculum Council

The Norwin School District Curriculum Council is a subset of administrators and curriculum leaders who work collaboratively to coordinate and support the district-wide curriculum effort.
The Function of the Curriculum Council
This group's primary function is to initiate and encourage innovative action and creative thinking. Additionally, the mission of the Norwin Curriculum Council encompasses the following:
  1. Serve as a system-wide coordinating agency who marshalls all system resources in order to solve educational problems;
  2. Facilitate communication among all staff members in the school system;
  3. Support the approved District educational programs;
  4. Evaluate educational needs in terms of the established goals and instructional audit outcomes;
  5. Assess the financial requirements for curriculum development and recommend priorities for approved projects which require financial support; and
  6. Strive to keep parents and other members of the community informed about changes in the curriculum.
The Comprehensive Plan and the Curriculum Council
The members of the Curriculum Council also ensure that certain aspects of the Norwin School District’s 3-year Comprehensive Plan is accomplished. The District's 2022-2025 Comprehensive Plan includes goals that are specific to the District-wide curriculum effort:
  • Goal 1: Establish tasks for each year of 6-Year Curriculum Cycle
  • Goal 2: Demonstrate a complete understanding of components of District curriculum framework
  • Goal 3: Input K-12 curriculum into Atlas, the online curriculum repository
  • Goal 4: Use reporting features of Atlas to monitor completion
  • Goal 5: Evaluate the quality of curriculum that has been developed
Impact of the Curriculum Council
Topics that the Curriculum Council members address have a direct impact on the following:
    • Instructional Goals
    • Educational Programs
    • Professional Learning
    • Resources and Supports for Curriculum