Homecoming Week

Homecoming Week

Norwin’s Homecoming will be celebrated during the week of September 28 – October 2, 2020.

The administration and Student Council have begun planning events that will be appropriate in our current environment. We will continue to work together over the next several weeks to finalize the plans for our Homecoming festivities.

Student Council will coordinate the selection of a Homecoming King and Queen and Court. This will include a coronation ceremony that will be held at a time to be determined.

All K-12 students will participate in a District-wide spirit week, concluding with a Blue and Gold day on Friday, October 2nd.

Unfortunately, due to the current state mandates, the Homecoming dance and parade previously scheduled for September 19th will be cancelled. However, additional plans are in the process of being made now that students are back in school in order to celebrate Homecoming.

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