About Us » School Board

School Board

About the Board

The Norwin Board of Education has nine members who are elected at-large by the citizens of the township of North Huntingdon, as well as the boroughs of Irwin and North Irwin. School Board members serve four-year terms of office. Elected School Directors are not paid for their services.
The School Board is a policy-making body whose primary function is to formulate and evaluate policies necessary for the cost-effective and efficient operations of the School District. An Administrative Leadership Team that works within the scope of the existing school board policies manages the School District.
School Board
Norwin Board of Education
Back Row (left to right): Raymond Kocak, Matt Thomas, Tim Kotch, Sr, Bill Bojalad
Front Row (left to right): Heath Shrum, Christine Baverso, Shawna Ilagan, Nina Totin
(missing from photo: Alex Detschelt)
Name  Office Held  Term Expires
Christine Baverso     12/2025
Bill Bojalad  Board President  12/2027 
Alex Detschelt     12/2025
Shawna Ilagan    12/2025
Raymond Kocak    12/2025
Tim Kotch, Sr.  Board Vice President  12/2027  
Heath Shrum    12/2027 
Matthew Thomas    12/2027
Nina Totin    12/2027
Natalie A. McCracken, Superintendent
 Non-Voting Member  6/30/2029
Denise Haberman
 Board Secretary  
Andrews & Price, LLC
Ella Reese  Student Representative  
Preston Montag  Student Representative   
The Workshop and Legislative Meetings will be held in the Administration Conference Room. Attendees should enter through Door No. 2.
Doors will open at 6:45 p.m.
The Workshop and Legislative meetings will start at 7:00 p.m. 
Meetings will be in-person, live-streamed on the district’s YouTube channel
A link to the agenda will be made available here the Friday before the Board meeting.
2025 Board Meeting Calendar


Type of Meeting and Time

January 13

Workshop Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

January 20

Legislative Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

February 10

Workshop Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 

February 17

Legislative Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

March 10

Workshop Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 

March 17

Legislative Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

April 14

Work Session with Action, 7:00 p.m.

April 21

Legislative Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

May 12

Work Session with Action, 7:00 p.m.

May 19

Legislative Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

June 2

Work Session with Action, 7:00 p.m.

June 9

Legislative Meeting, 7:00 p.m.


No Meeting Scheduled

August 11

Work Session with Action, 7:00 p.m.

August 18

Legislative Meeting, 7:00 p.m. 

September 8

Workshop Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

September 15

Legislative Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

October 13

Workshop Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

October 20

Legislative Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

November 10

Workshop Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

November 17

Legislative Meeting, 7:00 p.m.

December 3

Reorganization Meeting and Legislative Meeting, 6:00 p.m.

Please be aware that this schedule is subject to change. Any changes will be advertised prior to the meetings.
Attending a Meeting
The public is welcome to attend the meetings of the Norwin School Board
Public Comment at the Meetings
  • Anyone wishing to address the Board must register in advance 
  • The Board may choose not to reply until they have appropriately investigated the situation/issue.
  • Once the agenda is made public a registration link (found below) will be made available for those interested in making a public comment at the upcoming board meeting.
Procedure for Public Comment
  • You must state your name and address (unless already on file)
  • Your comments will be limited to three minutes in duration.
  • Your name will be called in the order in which you signed up.
Norwin School Board Meetings are live-streamed on the District's Youtube channel unless otherwise noted.  
Contacting the Norwin Board of Education:
Additional Questions or Concerns:
There are times when a parent or a taxpayer has a question or concern and is uncertain as to the procedure to follow in contacting the school district. The following procedure should be followed for obtaining this type of information from school district personnel. If your inquiry is about your child, first call the child's teacher, counselor, or the building principal. If the teacher, counselor, or principal is unable to assist you by telephone, he or she will make an appointment with you at a mutually convenient time. We assure you that these individuals will be receptive and cooperative in responding to your question or concern. If your inquiry is about a building procedure or activity, first call the building principal. If your question or concern remains unanswered or unresolved, please contact the Superintendent or other appropriate district administrator at (724-861-3000).
Occasionally, parents call school board directors in an attempt to obtain an answer to their questions or concerns. Upon receiving such a call, the board director calls the district superintendent. The district superintendent must then call the building principal to inform him or her of the problem or concern. The principal will then research the concern and communicate with the parent. Therefore, it is wise that you first call the teacher, counselor or principal so that he or she can respond without any undue delay.
Questions pertinent to 2011 delinquent earned income taxes and earlier should be directed MBM at 412-242-4400. For inquiries related to 2012 delinquent earned income taxes and later, please call Berkheimer tax Administrators at 1-800-360-8989. Other questions pertinent to district operations should be directed to the office of the Superintendent (724-861-3000).  The school board and the staff of the Norwin School District are eager to communicate and cooperate with the public. Our combined efforts are essential if we are to continue to do our best for the children of our community.
Board meeting minutes are accessible through the BoardDocs link: BoardDocs
Meetings of the School Board are conducted at the Administration Conference Room, and meeting dates are established in December of the previous school year.
Meeting dates are made available to the public via the media, and are posted outside of the District Administrative Offices. All deliberations and official business of the Board are conducted in open, public sessions. The Board may, however, conduct an Executive Session, which is not open to the public. The presiding officer shall announce the purpose of an Executive Session prior to convening or during the Board President's report. Under the Sunshine Act, 65 P.S. 271, et seq., the Board may discuss the following matters in an Executive Session: employment issues, personnel matters, labor relations, the purchase or lease of real estate, consultation with an attorney or other professional advisors regarding potential litigation or identifiable complaints which may lead to litigation, and matters which must be conducted in private to protect the lawful privilege of confidentiality. Even if a matter/issue is appropriately discussed in Executive Session, official action must be taken in public. The Board President shall call for public comments before voting on agenda items.
The Board of Education has adopted the Principles for Governance and Leadership as provided by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association.
Pennsylvania school boards are committed to providing every student the opportunity to grow and achieve. The actions taken by the board ultimately have both short and long-term impact in the classroom. Therefore, school directors collectively and individually will:
  • Promote public education as a keystone of democracy
  • Engage the community by seeking input, building support networks, and generating action
  • Champion public education by engaging members of local, state, and federal legislative bodies
  • Prepare for, attend and actively participate in board meetings
  • Work together in a spirit of harmony, respect and cooperation
  • Participate in professional development, training and board retreats
  • Collaborate with the Superintendent as the Team of 10
  • Adhere to an established set of rules and procedures for board operations
  • Develop, adopt, revise and review policy
  • Align decisions to policy
  • Differentiate between governance and management, delegating management tasks to administration
  • Allocate finances and resources
  • Ensure compliance with local, state, and federal laws
  • Adopt and implement a collaborative comprehensive planning process, including regular reviews
  • Set annual goals that are aligned with the comprehensive plan
  • Develop a financial plan that anticipates both short and long-term needs
  • Formulate a master facilities plan conducive to teaching and learning
  • Utilize appropriate data to make informed decisions
  • Use effective practices for the evaluation of the superintendent
  • Assess student growth and achievement
  • Review effectiveness of the comprehensive plan
  • Promote open, honest and respectful dialogue among the board, staff, and community
  • Encourage input and support for the district from the school community
  • Protect confidentiality
  • Honor the sanctity of executive sessions
  • Never use the position for improper benefit to self or others
  • Act to avoid actual or perceived conflicts of interest
  • Recognize the absence of authority outside of the collective board
  • Respect the role, authority and input of the superintendent
  • Balance the responsibility to provide educational programs with being stewards of community resources
  • Abide by the majority decision