Background Checks / Clearances

The State of Pennsylvania has taken a big step in keeping children safe by passing the PA Act 153 of 2014. This law helps to ensure that any adults who come in contact with children, either paid employees or unpaid volunteers, complete a comprehensive and regularly updated criminal and child abuse background check.

Norwin School District is pleased to announce RAPTOR, as our online system that streamlines the acquisition, processing, tracking, and approving of background checks and clearances for District volunteers, volunteer coaches, club sponsors, and boosters. Establishing a Raptor account does not automatically get you the appropriate clearances and background checks. You must visit the appropriate website and obtain each clearance (SEE BELOW FOR LINKS/INFORMATION ON OBTAINING CLEARANCES as well as tips on how to upload documents.)
Building/PTA/Parent Volunteers (Non-Board Approved) Volunteer Clearance Management System is now Raptor. Please use this link for your Initial Application and to upload valid clearances: Raptor Volunteer Initial Application. Once your Volunteer Account has been approved, you will receive an email confirmation.  PLEASE HAVE ALL THREE (3) REQUIRED CLEARANCES READY TO UPLOAD BEFORE BEGINNING YOUR RAPTOR APPLICATION.
Volunteer Coaches/Sponsors; Program Volunteers; Overnight Chaperones (Board Approved) Volunteer Clearance Management System is now Raptor. Please use this link for your Initial Application and to upload the SIX (6) required and valid clearances: Raptor Volunteer Initial Application. Once your Volunteer Account has been approved, you will receive an email confirmation. PLEASE HAVE ALL SIX (6) REQUIRED CLEARANCES READY TO UPLOAD BEFORE BEGINNING YOUR RAPTOR APPLICATION. 
Paid Coaches (Head & Assistant) [must be recommended by the Athletic Director and/or Club Sponsors]; Substitutes (all departments); Paraprofessionals; Summer Workers (IT and Buildings & Grounds Departments) (Board Approved) We are now using RAPTOR for clearance document uploads for all volunteers as well as the various employment positions listed above. Once you have ALL REQUIRED CLEARANCES for your position in the district, follow this Raptor link to create an application and upload required clearances/documents: Raptor Initial Application
Permanent Employees Clearance Management System is Comply. Your Comply account will be created for you, and you will receive a notification once your (clearance) compliance items have been created. Any questions on clearances may be directed to [email protected].
           CLEARANCE INFORMATION - Clearances must be renewed every five years.

ACT 34 CLEARANCE (PA Criminal Background Check)

ACT 151 CLEARANCE (PA Child Abuse History)
When creating an application for your Child Abuse History clearance, you will be asked for a KEYSTONE ID. This ID is a "USERNAME" that you create for yourself to log into the system. Please ensure that you write your Keystone ID and password down for future reference.
For VOLUNTEERS ONLY who have been a PA resident for the past ten (10) consecutive years and have no offenses listed.

FBI CHECK (IdentoGO)  (Federal Criminal History - Fingerprint)
Service Code to use when Applying:
- 1KG6XN -This is the Service Code to use for PA Dept. of Ed.**
*There is a service code for VOLUNTEERS, however, the fee for a volunteer FBI clearance is $1.00 less expensive than the fee to obtain the same clearance for employment purposes. If you obtain a volunteer FBI check, you are NOT able to use it for employment purposes, and will have to pay for it again, should the need arise. It is suggested that you use the Employee Service Code.
** PLEASE NOTE:  There is an option on IdentoGO's home page that says "FBI History Check."  This is NOT the correct option to choose because (a) it states it's only for personal use, and (b) it's for RETAIL SERVICES, which is not acceptable per PDE.  Also, the cost for this Retail Services clearance is currently $50.00 vs. the $23.85 for the acceptable PDE clearance.  If you use the above-referenced code, you will be directed to the correct application.
   (1) Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Training 
   (2) Professional Ethics and Educator Discipline Act
    ***UPDATE to Act 126 Trainings: We are now offering these two trainings through Vector Solutions free of charge to our Board Approved Coaching Staff/Volunteers. Combined, these will take approximately three (3) hours. Please contact the HR Office for your link to do these trainings ([email protected]) if you have not yet received one. 
Other options still remain for the trainings with links below.
   (1) Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting Training - University of Pittsburgh - FREE  [approximately 3 hours]
   (2) Professional Ethics and Educator Discipline Act - SAS Portal - FREE [approximately 3 hours] - - See attached instructions for SAS Portal
(Self-Reporting Arrest/Conviction - 3 pages)
(For permanently hired employees and Substitute Cafeteria Workers and Cafeteria Monitors)
ACT 168 (for New Hires/Volunteers only) 
A Sexual Misconduct/Abuse Disclosure Release Form must be filled out and returned to the Human Resources Office for:
(1) Current Employer, regardless of whether the employer is a school entity and/or whether the applicant is employed in a position that involves direct contact with children;
(2) All former employers that were school entities (regardless of job title); and
(3) All former employers where the applicant was employed in a position that involved direct contact with children.
All permanently hired employees will be required to submit to a pre-employment drug screening at his/her own expense. For additional details, please refer to the District policy for Pre-Employment Drug Testing. (Policies are consistent for Administrative, Professional & Classified Employees)
Tips for uploading your Clearance Documents into the Clearance Application system:
Smartphone apps such as Camscanner, can be used to take photos and create PDF versions of documents
for easy upload into the system.
If you have questions regarding clearances or the Clearance Application System, please contact the
Human Resource Department at 724-861-3027. 
CLICK HERE to review the Norwin School District Clearances (Certifications) policy which includes definitions and examples of each staff and volunteer type.
PHOTO ID UPDATE (8/5/2024):
In order to accommodate our Norwin Families, volunteers can schedule an appointment for their Volunteer ID Badge using the link below:
Mondays - Fridays
7:00 am 12:00 pm
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
(Closed for lunch during 12pm-1pm)
*If you are unable to arrive during these hours, please contact Ashley in IT at 724-861-3024.

*Hours are subject to change during summer months and for holidays.

Please note there is a $5.00 replacement fee for ID Badges.
Employee Type Act 34 Act 151 FBI Act 24 Act 126 Parts 1&2 Act 168 (New Hires) Who processes your Account?
Full/Part-Time Staff  Needed  Needed  Needed  Needed  Needed Needed HR Department at Administration Building
Assistive / Classroom/School Presentation Volunteers
 Needed*       Main office of a school your student(s) attend
Program Volunteers/Overnight Chaperones; Volunteer Coaches /Sponsors  Needed
 Needed*   Needed   Needed  Needed HR Department at Administration Building
Athletic Event Staff  Needed  Needed  Needed  Needed  Needed Needed HR Department at Administration Building
Contracted Services
 Needed  Needed  Needed  Needed  Needed  Needed HR Department at Administration Building
* Per Act 15, FBI (Fingerprint/Federal Criminal History) is NOT required if: 1) the volunteer has been a resident of the Commonwealth of PA during the entirety of the previous 10-year period (waiver form required); or 2) if not a resident of the Commonwealth of PA – during the entirety of the previous 10-year period, but has received an FBI clearance/certification at any time since establishing a residency in the Commonwealth of PA and provides a copy of the clearance/certification